The Hidden River Discovery Trail
Explore London's Hidden River!
- 2 miles from Finsbury Park to Clissold Park
- A cross-generational activity which provides a fun way for adults to engage with children
- Great for a Sunday stroll
- Learn something new about London
- Explore a pathway you may not have realised even existed
- Hunt for clues to a mystery and play a wildlife i-Spy game as you go

Apply for your free copy/copies now! Simply complete the form below and we will send you your Hidden River booklet(s) free of charge. We recommend at least one booklet per 5-6 people as any more than this makes sharing difficult.
Please note, the prize competition element of this trail is now closed, but the trail is still fun to do - and free!

The Hidden River Discovery Trail funded with the kind sponsorship of Winkworth
This trail booklet is provided to you for free, but donations to WaterAid are very welcome!