Elixir Challenge #4 - Life-Saving Scavenge
Posted on February 16 2018
No-one knows for sure what the powers of the Elixir are, or its exact function or formula. But one thing is for sure, its purpose IS to save or prolong life.
There are lots of other things which could save a life, and we need you, Challenge Cup teams, to round some of them up. This week's challenge is about locating and recording in photographs each of the objects, people, concepts or places listed below.
- A Team Secret ID will be required to submit your photographs. If you do not yet have one or are not part of a College team you must register here.
- At least one team member must feature in each photograph, unless more are specified
- Items scavenged may be located anywhere at all unless otherwise specified
- Creative interpretation may be applied
- Photographs must be original work, ie photoshopped or edited images from Google will not be accepted
- Teams score one point for each item found, photographed and submitted in line with these rules
- Photographs may be submitted as and when they are taken, one at a time
- Photographs must be submitted via the entry form at http://dguk.xyz/ElixirPhotos with all fields completed so we can identify who they are from and which team is represented
- Photographs may be submitted at any time between midday on Friday 16th February and midnight on Thursday April 19th 2018
- Only the first five teams per College to submit entries will count; therefore it makes sense to get your first team photograph submitted via the entry form as soon as possible. A Secret ID will be required - see above.
- By submitting your photographs you give permission for them to be published on the Discovery Games website or the Facebook page for the Elixir Challenge Cup together with your Team and College name.
Find (and photograph team mates with) as many as possible of the following: